Tyme Flys

A WHOLE YEAR?? Tis true.

It’s been a year since I received one of my favorite emails I’ve ever received (so far) from my friends at Warren Publishing. Life-changing in some ways, and not so much in others. It was more of a sign of things to come, which are still on their way I believe. I’m still a #BrokeBoy and I still sneak way too much fun in my life for what I should be allowed. I still live in Charlotte (for now). I still eat way too much bread (forever). And I still rock with everyone who helped me get this far.

There have been some highs and lows in the past year, but everything has to happen today for tomorrow to come true. I hardly know what most of my future tomorrows will look like, so I appreciate the present (and have hopefully learned from the past). Life is extremely interesting when all your future paths are still feasible. That unknowing feeling can be daunting some days, but if you squint your eyes and tilt your head to the side, you can find the right perspective to see it all as motivation. If anything is possible, then there isn’t any reason not to work towards the path you want for your life. Sure, it could still end up as a dead end, but you won’t know that until you follow it. Then again, you could always stumble upon Narnia, without the evil witches, of course.

This past year wasn’t Narnia, or even Nirvana, for me, but it still had some exquisite vibes. Some of my favorites are below:

I was in Texas suffering from terrible allergies when I received this email. I sneezed five times in a row after seeing this to celebrate.

Quarantine Kenny.

Somehow, someway, The Mailman delivered on the final day/night of 2022 in epic fashion. I kinda hate him.

My natural habitat is somewhere tropical far away from you.

RIP Chadwick. Sequels are tough.

Family first.

Can’t confirm if they lived or died.

Okay, that last one wasn’t from the past year, but it’s a classic in my book. :)


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