Top five top five top five top five top five

Working on the cover right now (yeet) and it got me thinking about some of my favorite book covers I’ve came across over the years. The science of book covers is seemingly never-ending and crafting the “perfect” cover can be a tiresome task. For me, I’m sure I could spend countless hours trying to find the perfect color scheme, font spacing, and font placement. Or maybe no font at all? Just a blank white space to let each reader imagine their own cover? Or what if we filled every square inch with selfie pictures I’ve taken over the past fifteen years of my life?

You see the inviting rabbit hole?

So, I’m finding peace in the mere existence of a cover and appreciating the art of contentment. It also helps that my friends at Warren Publishing are putting up with my inner perfectionist and haven’t put me in my place (yet). I never feel good asking the designer to change this or that by a “smidge,” but sometimes a smidge can make a miles worth of difference.

I don’t know if every cover conversation goes like that for every author out there trying to put thousands of words into eight inches worth of visual. If so, the ones below surely ended in joyful weeps of success:

We love red. Can’t beat simple either. What a book for real. And looks like RDJ thought so as well…

When this image was mentioned in the book I floated to another dimension. True story.

I heart Shea and I heart Arturo. Oh, and I heart movies.

Always good to give space to the goat(?). And the movie didn’t disappoint(?).

And for the fifth cover that should be here, I will leave empty for the future book/cover that blows me away. Always leave room for future you to play with.


Tyme Flys


Da Visuals