First Fan

We all have one. The very first fan. The very first person who went out of their way to support you when they had no reason to. When you were still growing as a person and as an artist. When your worst work was the only work. And your best work was still years in the future. Many times, if not all the time, that first fan is someone close to you. And you can’t get any closer than a mother’s love.

Ah, moms. Mothers. Mamas. Memes. Grandmas. Grandmamas. The list goes on, but the feeling is all the same. Someone who loves you more than you could ever understand - until you have the blessing to be one yourself. Historically, and I did a lot of research here, moms hold the place for the highest percentage of first fans for the vast majority of artists. They seem to have the uncanny ability to be a fan before the artist even recognizes themself as an artist, or in a magical way, before the artist even exists. Literally.

And the importance of these first fans cannot be overstated. Without the first, the push to find the second may never come. There is no chain reaction if the first domino doesn’t fall. No avalanche of success if the first snowflake doesn’t come through.

Personally, I have quite the gem of a first snowflake, if I do say so myself.

So, cheers to all the moms (and especially Jean) who are the most loyal, dedicated, sacrificing, caring, pure, and usually first, fans out there. Nothing would happen without you.

For giggles, see a few high-quality moms below. Definitely First Fans here.


Beach Read


Tyme Flys