Da Visuals

If a picture is worth a thousand a words, then a video must be worth a bazillion. With such steep conversion rates, it only makes sense for me to explore the visual space. Even as an author, sometimes you don’t have the words to apply towards a scene in your head. Luckily, everyone is an award-winning visual director with the tool they have in their pocket. Cracked screen and all. So, da visuals are coming and I think in the end I will enjoy them almost as much as the book itself.

As much of my future career will probably reflect, I’m constantly inspired by musicians and the “art of the music video.” I love love music videos. I love love finding new videos to old songs that I’ve been rockin’ to for years. I love love big-budget, finely crafted, detailed music videos. I love love homemade, bootstrapped, made-in-the-backyard music videos. And everything in between. Visuals really can come down to who can do the most with the least. As someone who is (currently) working with less, I look forward to the result of more. Then, one day, on this planet or the next one we inhabit, I’m sure I’ll have access to the most and desire to create something with less. Just for the challenge of it.

Cheers to future budgets and the visuals that come from them.

Oh, speaking of da visuals, check out a few of the behind-the-scenes from today’s first video shoot. :)

And don’t forget to show love to my man Juwan Tyrik !!


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