
A whole year?

That’s completely unprofessional, practically unstable, and definitely unruly.

Which makes me feel completely satisfied with my actions…this is the Antiblog after all. Not the “Extremely Well-Maintained And Curated Blog.” If you’re looking for something along those lines, I suggest leaving this page right now and never coming back.

I’ll wait.

Okay, now that we have hopefully lost the lames (definitely not you though!) we can dive into all the ~motion~ that’s transpired over the past year.

  • First-Name Basis came out and I wasn’t burned at the stake for how terrible it was (yay!)

  • I made some fun videos with my friends to promote said debut book, but also secretly just to make things with my friends which is mainly what I feel like doing at any given time during any given day

  • My book baby made its way to a few shelves at local book stores, shoutout Park Road Books and Main Street Books in Davidson again for the support

  • Made a little book appearance at South Main Book Company and I didn’t know what to do with my hands, or myself, but I enjoyed it and met some other talented writers

  • I got a new job because for some reason the rent is still due no matter how many times I pay it

  • But, because of this new job I’ve found myself back in many airplane window seats, which I would never complain about :) this uptick in travel has lead to more:

    • States (all 50 before 50? That’s easy money)

    • Art and art experiences

    • Photos

    • The need for a new phone to take better photos (I still miss my home button sometimes though)

    • Food

    • More photos

    • More food

  • I read some books!!!!

    • Liquid Snakes - Stephen Kearse

    • Hell of a Book - Jason Mott

    • Calling for a Blanket Dance - Oscar Hokeah

    • Educated - Tara Westover

  • I listened to some music!!!

    • BLUE LIPS - ScHoolboy Q

    • 9 - Kenny Mason

    • Dark Times - Vince Staples


  • We did the Digital Dash and made FNB eBook friendly. If that’s your style, you can find that on Amazon

  • Hmm, what else…we had a little bit of movement in other business ventures I’m involved in that you can ask me about if you care

  • I grew three inches

  • Oh, also, not sure if I mentioned, but you can purchase my debut novel, First-Name Basis, through my wonderful publishers at Warren Publishing

  • Okay, fine, I didn’t grow three inches

  • You should buy my book though before you can’t buy it anymore…because I’m pretty sure that will happen sometime soon. I should probably look at my contract and figure that out…

See what I’m saying? So much motion I’m making myself sea sick. Honestly though, the last year has been all over the place for me, in mostly good ways. I didn’t even mention the fact that I recently moved residences as well. Literal motion.

And, yes, I’ll admit it, I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing. Some good. Some bad. Some silly. Some serious, Shirley. Taking it all one word at a time. We’ll see what I can cook up for the big follow-up that may or may not exist.

Until then, I’m taking my lumps to go.


Writer Beef


Beach Read