Sprang Cleaning

It’s funny how some activities in life become increasingly attractive as you procrastinate on others. Take cleaning, for example, not a very hot item on the list of things I always enjoy doing, but when I’m supposed to be promoting this book I sometimes get the urge to suddenly make sure the bathroom sink is in proper order. Or maybe it’s the few dirty dishes “soaking” in the sink that start calling my name to be taken care of immediately. Or, like this morning, I remembered it had been a few days/weeks/months/years since I vacuumed my apartment.

Side note: Which came first, the vacuum or the floor carpet? I mean, for real, why was carpet flooring ever in style? They clearly weren’t thinking of all the little boys and girls out there who were growing up allergic to everything that carpet was keeping in its clutches. Not speaking from experience. But, ya know, from what I heard about other kids. Just a poorly designed filth trap.

Anyway, maybe to avoid some childhood trauma, this morning I whipped my fancy vacuum out and went to work. I realized vacuuming has a little ASMR vibes to it. Especially if you are one for that straight lines streaks that the wheels of the vacuum leave behind a freshly churned section of carpet. Overall, this was an elevated vacuuming experience. I even moved some of the items from their original place to get the carpet that hardly sees the light of day beneath. My mom would be proud of me for that move.

Unfortunately, the vacuum session ended and I had to move on to the next very important activity that would be sure to lead to a fulfilling life and internal peace of mind. Sweeping my kitchen.

The spring cleaning was in full effect. The book is coming soon, sure, but when will I ever be able to shake out these bathroom rugs? It had to be done.

The book will come and go, but this carpet will be here forever (or until someone complains enough for the apartment complex to tear it up).

Video proof of me being an adult below:


Da Visuals

