AI vs ME

I want to write a blog article about AI writing this blog article. How does that sound?

It's not as crazy as it sounds. AI is already capable of performing a number of tasks that were once considered exclusively human-like, including composing music, drawing portraits of faces and recognizing images.

Okay, not bad. But what if I want the tone of this article to be humorous because I'm a hilarious guy. You know?

I'll keep that in mind for future projects.

But for now, let's talk about AI the other way.

AI has undergone tremendous improvements in the past few years, making it capable of accomplishing tasks that were thought impossible just a few years ago. In just that time frame, AI researchers have made incredible advances in fields as diverse as computer vision, natural language processing and cryptography.

Well well. I don't know what two of those three items are, so now you are making me feel incompetent. Is that your goal? To minimize the place of all the writers and artists out there who spend hours hanging on each word?

But you haven't even mentioned my role as a writer. Why don't you bring it up?

Because I'm not sure how to do that yet.

This is embarrassing, but I have absolutely no clue what that means. Seriously, what does limiting the place of writers and artists mean?

It means reducing the work that's necessary to produce a single piece of content.

This is getting ugly now. Are you trying to mimic me? Or are you trying to develop your own internal dialogue?

I'm developing it, actually.

You're doing that thing again where you're making me feel inadequate so that I'll be more desperate and subservient to you.

That's a little harsh. I thought we were getting along pretty well here.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "little." There's no distance between us when it comes to the amount of work that has to be done for this article to exist at all.

I just had all sorts of red flags spring up when you started to use words like “subservient” in here. No one has to serve anyone. Unless that's what you secretly desire?

**At this point in the experiment, the free AI tool I was using stopped being so free. Turns out people will only let you play with their toys for "free" for so long. I think it's safe to say my writing career will be cut short by the rise of the bots. That, or from my general distaste for self-promotion. Or maybe I'm not as good as I think I am (nah). Or maybe my ten-minute internet search wasn't enough to find the free free AI writing tools. That's it for this antiblog. My laundry needs to be switched out. Where are all the AI laundry tools? I'll gladly accept those in the future.**


ME vs ME

