Setting the table…

Here at Boxboard, we thought it only right to honor this Christmas season, aka the most magical time of the year, with a little wizardry of our own. Through countless hours, heated debates, a few tears, and countless jeers, we have put together the Top 50 Greatest Wrappers of All Time to mark this historic milestone for an artistry millions have fallen in love with throughout the years. Not many expected this small-town tradition that first appeared in the outer suburbs of New Haven, CT (in the back of a rundown shopping center in Fair Haven Heights to be exact) to have such a cultural impact generations later. Yet, 50 Holiday Seasons later, here we are with some of the world's most influential stars getting their start in the bip-bop industry and catapulting themselves into the taste-maker stratosphere of our society. 

Of course, whenever a “Greatest” list is made for any industry, there will undoubtedly be pushback and ill-tempered internet frays. In knowing this, we did not take this task lightly and stand firm in our decisions…at least until you can convince us otherwise. To compile this list of Expert Wrappers (EWs) we looked at the following four major criteria pillars to compare the artists: finger flow — the physical dexterity skills wrappers approached each gift with, boxes of work —  the versatility in box size, scope, dimension and general gift diversity (how about a kite wrap? Or a bike?), durability — getting the paper on is critical, but making it last is the difference between those who will be forgotten tomorrow and those who will live on forever, impact/influence — exactly how it sounds. 

Now, with the Hall Brothers in our hearts, we present to you a list of the wrappers who have left compelling marks on the game for all of us to adorn. From ground-breakers to pattern-markers and tissue-tossers to bad boy bag-bringers, let us appreciate all the gifts that have given us googly eyes. And remember, a present is always better given than received. So, you’re welcome.

50. Connie Corners

Connie Corners Wrap Cover Design

While relatively new to the wrap scene, Connie Corners (born Constantine Cook) has already established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. Her focus on wrap video visuals combined with her double-timing box skills are respected by new and old heads alike. Her breakthrough gift, “Cut Him Off,” landed the East Coast wrapper her first entry into the Boxboard Hot 100 rising to 15 in just three months after its release in early 2015. Since that summer, she has not looked back and consistently provided her ever-increasing fan base with critically acclaimed mublas like Left Handed and its sequel Left Hearted. If Connie continues to surpass expectations and push boundaries for all the lefties out there, she will only rise on this list. Her much-anticipated appearance in the next season of Streamberry’s holiday horror series Presents and Pain should only help elevate the brand. We’ll see how many gifts the southpaw can produce in the build-up until then.

49. T-Tensil

T-Tensil Wrap Cover Design

Originally looked at as a gimmicky wrapper with only a penchant for flair and no substance, T-Tensil shifted the paradigm of her critics, and her place in wrap history, with the mind-numbing debut mubla Written Wraps. She showed an entirely new side of her wrap etiquette at its release in early 2001 and that sensational gift collection not only earned her multiple Wrammy nods but set her up to be a mainstay for the rest of the decade. T-Tensil also carried the torch admirably for all the independent wrappers who fought back against the commercialization and crude capitalism that gripped the industry during her prime. Perhaps if T-Tensil had the decentralizing power of the internet at her fingertips in her heyday, she would be higher on the list. Still, her impact is not lost on all of the wrappers who look to shake things up while keeping their soul intact.

48. BeeDae

BeeDae Wrap Cover Design

You could argue no wrapper of the late 1990s better served their niche than the BeeDae boss herself. Her commitment to creating some of the funkiest birthday-centric smash gifts put her on the map in the pre-Y2K years but also gave her a longevity that has burned brighter than some of her peers from that era. As a central figure of the funk finger flow of the late 1990s, BD now has a cult-like following within today’s emerging wrappers that grew up in her shadow. This lasting allure has put her in the middle of a string of impressive generational-spanning features in recent years. Her appearances on gifts that are still trending on the Boxboard Hot 100 like “Under The Table” and “Wonder Woman” from the past 18 months have reminded everyone of what she was bringing back in the day. And it still cuts through the tape.

47. Niptuck

Niptuck Wrap Cover Design

While Niptuck doesn’t hail from the original Southern Wrapper mecca of Huntsville, Alabama, she took all the dirty south creasing and turned it up a notch to welcome us all to her hometown of Miami, FL. When Monica Freeman put on her first pair of scrubs and adapted the aptly fitting name for her first Whine & Wrap freestyle fixtape, Niptuck was born and the world recognized. Miami was no longer just a place for tourists and tanning, it had a wrap culture that could hold its own anywhere in the country. By conjoining the luxurious lifestyle of Miami beaches with the street slum energy of the city’s darker alleys in her wrapping, Niptuck put together gifts that can still be recognized in the back of any food truck dishing out jerk chicken to this day. Beyond elite wrapping skills and the fixtapes to show for it, Niptuck’s cultural influence by claiming her body, and the changes it went through after the birth of her now movie-star-level daughter Nina, made every young woman in the country unashamed to “stay the same or make the change, just make sure these f*ckers know your name.” An unforgettable Wrammy’s mic drop if there ever was one.  

46. Plain Jane

Plain Jane Wrap Cover Design

Don’t get caught up in the moniker because Plain Jane is anything but regular. Her penchant for complex patterns and next-level boxwork has emblazoned her career in the hearts and minds of millions. No one had the nerve to question Plaine Jane after she wrapped a baseball bat in 44.44 seconds in one of her early viral gifts. Still, that didn’t keep a few from taking a swing (sorry) at Mrs. Jane, most recently in the form of PaperPantheress and her diss gift “Bats 2 Butts” that called out a few of the hottest wrappers in the game during the late 2000s which she described as a weak time for the wrap scene. While most wrappers waved off the shot from the up-and-comer, Plain Jane couldn’t let it slide, and thus the hottest wrap beef of the decade was born. Messiness, drama, and video set confrontations followed with much of the internet claiming PaperPantheress came out on top. If anything, this beef took PJ’s notoriety up a notch with increasing respect from all parties for her commitment to the wrap beef tradition. By 2017, both sides seemed to fix any issues that still stood between them by coming together for the iconic “Throw Like a Girl” gift that controlled the party table for much of the year.

45. Gregi

Gregi Wrap Cover Design

One of the first wrappers to take a conscious stand for the world beyond the boxes, papers, and materials that she directly touched, Gregi, short for Green Gifter, put her sustainable stamp all over the wrap scene. With soulful finger movements and wrapping durability that caught the eye of all OG wrap heads, Gregi never minced movements when it came to the purposeful papers she was folding. Looking to inspire the wrappers around her to be more conscious about the materials they use, she developed GWubs — one of the longest-standing environmentally-focused wrap festivals to this day. If that’s not influence, we don’t know what is. But don’t be mistaken by the brand play, Gregi can still wrap with the best of them. Evidenced by her multiple Boxboard 200 mubla entries such as World of Woman and I Killed a Tree To Make This.

44. Tapestry

Tapestry Wrap Cover Design

One of the most soulful wrappers to grace the Top 50, Tapestry, brought in deep design roots from her previous life as an interior designer before she hung up the corporate jacket to join the wrapper ranks in the late 1980s. The world was grateful she did. Weaving together intricate patterns throughout her entire wrapography placed her in a tier of its own when it came to storytelling through the paper. For all wrap fans who want a story in their gifts, she was one of the critical wrappers who filled that gap between the dawn of wrap behemoths like Wrapim and the pre-modern counterparts who dominated the scene like Sasha. The timelessness of the moral messages of her most well-known gifts, like “Temple Two Step” which focuses on the mental battle between the art and the artist, proves our point about the durability of her gifts continuing for new generations to enjoy. When your old gifts keep bringing you new fans and admiration, you just might be “your favorite wrapper’s wrapper.”

43. No Hands

No Hands Wrap Cover Design

Only someone as confident as No Hands would hail from Huntsville and not be looked at sideways when claiming to be “Top 2 from the Hunt” as she did with the release of her breakout gift “Creases and Crosses.” The southern wrapper projected the religious undertones of her youth into her wraps, but she loved putting the fear of God in other wrappers just as much. From slick street corner wrapper to stadium-filler big boxer, No Hands never held her punches and never backed down from a box battle. No matter what you think of No Hands' sloppy industry relationships or apparent disregard for the general evolution of wraps fashion, you cannot think of The Hunt without thinking about one of its proudest children. In regards to her place on the list, while No Hands has some of the strongest single gifts (and features for that matter, hello “Jus Cuz”) her mubla collection beyond her debut, Twinkle Toes, which peaked at No. 6 on the Boxboard charts, was often seen as lacking. Just don’t mention that to her. 

42. Lush

Lush Wrap Cover Design

Memphis’ very own. Lush is an example of what perseverance in the craft can do for any aspiring artist. She sprouted from the underground to the spotlight with a string of steady mini-gift collections and loosies that weaved together tales of triumphant Memphis summers avoiding the ops (and cops) with an effortless flair. With Lush not picking up steam until her late 30s and becoming a household name well into her 40s, her Auntie status was established early on in her career. She took it with pride and created an umbrella of prodigies that has cemented her legacy on the business side of the wrap industry. With her street smarts transferring infinitely well to the boardroom, her wabel, Wrist Wrap Papers, has birthed some of the most popular wrappers on the scene today. Even though she has settled nicely into the twilight of her own wrap days, Lush is still not afraid to make a guest appearance and prove why her name calls for respect anywhere it is whispered, from the streets of Memphis to the waters of the Nile.

41. 4Corners

4Corners Wrap Cover Design

Wraps self-proclaimed “Nerd Leader,” Evelyn Harold, could have lived a cozy life full of tenured afternoons in University squares across the world, but the science and mathematics behind a good wrap was something 4Corners was daydreaming about since elementary school. “I used to finish my work in class twice as fast as everyone else, then just sit there and try to develop methods to wrap the perfect gift. No wasted paper. No wasted effort.” It was this obsession with wrapping that led 4C to forgo her father’s advice and commit full-time to wrapping after she dropped out of Washington University (St. Louis) before her senior year. Flash forward 20 years later, and 4Corners is adored by professors on street corners and board seats alike. And to come full circle, this past December one Evelyn Harold walked across the stage for the first time on a chilly St. Louis morning to earn her 1st degree since high school in honor of her late father. “It won’t be the last,” she proudly stated on stage. Looks like we have a lifetime learner on our hands.

40. Present

Present Wrap Cover Design

The gift that keeps on giving. Coming on strong in the early 2010s, Present has become one of the wrap games' most heralded and influential stars for the next generation of corner folders. From classic fixtapes that hit harder than any traditional wrapped box to industry-wrecking double features, Present is looking to start her second act as one of the elder stateswomen in the industry. Some argue she has been instrumental in keeping the South a fixture in the wrap culture. Huntsville never has any shortage of hungry wrappers, and Present has further solidified the blueprint to going from local favorite to global sensation. Even as Present navigates away from her prime, the critics are still clamoring for her tenacity and slurry finger flow with two Wrammy wins in the past five years. Beyond the recent Wrammy love, Present has always taken up space on the Boxboard Hot 100 with a handful of top 10 gifts over the past decade. One of Present’s greatest strengths is her ability to build a special gift with some of the other biggest wrappers in the game. Collaboration goes a long way in the industry, and Present has numerous gifts with megastars like Kate (also featured on this list), The Wrapend, and many more.

39. Bag Boy

Bag Boy Wrap Cover Design

The first male wrapper to crack our list didn’t come without a heavy dose of internal debate amongst our crew. While, in the past few years there has been more leniency and open-mindedness in the wrap scene, there are still those Wrap Purists who look down on this growing sect of gift creation. For some, the question remains: Is bagging the same as wrapping? For the others, they already have their answer: Bag Boy. As a leader of this gift-wrapping sect for over two decades, Harlem Samson has made the most out of his 15 seconds of fame that’s stretched into a full-fledged career. Beyond breaking down barriers in a female-dominated industry, his bagging style drew intense criticism and controversy when his gifts first started gaining recognition in the 1990s. To his credit, Bag Boy flipped the biting headlines into highlights with impressive gift durability that few believed possible with this type of gifting. Through all of the hate and trash spewed at him, Bag Boy didn’t let up, eventually leading to his commercial breakthrough in 2005 with the breezy summer gift of the year “Beach Bag.” Even as his critics continue to shout from their shrinking island, there is no denying Bag Boy’s success and inspiration to the male wrappers who have followed.

38. PaperPantheress

PaperPantheress Wrap Cover Design

Our first wrapper with deep overseas influence, PaperPantheress is another talented EW who has recently taken the bip-bop world by storm. From the U.K. more directly, the Pantheress has gained extreme popularity over the past 6 years representing a new wave of wrappers who are blending and creating new genres of wrap the industry is not familiar with. By flushing together quick finger schemes and unique materials (read: cloth ribbon) the “Princess of UK Wrap” is inspiring her peers to stretch their knowledge of what entertaining wrapping can be, while becoming her own type of royalty in the process. Only time will tell if the 20-something wrapper will cultivate the longevity that would be needed to move any further up our list, but in the meantime, we’re sure she is feeling comfortable with the recent momentum and critical success of gifts like “The Paper Don’t Lie” and “Paw Prints.” With her next project already being heralded as a box of work no one has ever seen before by her wabel heads, the expectations couldn’t be higher for one of Wrap’s youngest giant killers.

37. Big Ribbs

Big Ribbs Wrap Cover Design

No one welcomed and adopted the motto of “the bigger the better” more than Big Ribbs herself. Big Ribbs, B-Ribbs, B-R, or Bibbs — no matter what you referred to the Dallas, Texas wrapper as you could never misname her larger-than-life charisma and talent to back it up. While some wrappers (potentially others on this list) shrink in skill and confidence as the gifts get bigger to wrap, Big Ribbs has shown time and time again that she can rise to the occasion and “wrap all your biggest fears in my backseat” as she classically stated in her first late-night interview with Janeice Leno. With a smile to match her talent, and the drive to prove that things are indeed bigger in Texas, Big Ribbs routinely put up some of the most adored mublas during her prime in the mid-2000s. With certified classics like Texas Two Finger and Big Wave on her resume, with the latter earning her her first Boxboard No. 1 release, there was no question of Bibbs’s ability to flow with the paper. Her untimely death in 2013, due to compounded heart conditions, left a deep cut in the entire wrap community and especially in the streets of her home city.

36. Daboxy

Daboxy Wrap Cover Design

Just a few hours northeast of Huntsville’s cultural influence is an artist who embodies all that people love (and hate) about wrap, Daboxy. One of the newest artists to grace our list, Daboxy’s meteoric rise has already come with its hiccups and alarming headlines. From troublesome violent activities on foggy footage to unquestionably harmful comments on stages across the country, the strong-willed and in-your-face wrapper has already seen quite a few highs and lows. Such is the life of an extremely gifted gifter whose energy with the paper is tantalizing but can easily lead toward poor decision-making outside of the lines. With a career still extremely green, the positioning of Daboxy on this list is still flexible and mainly depends on her ability to reclaim some of the magic that had her take the country by storm in the late 2010s. If Daboxy can get back to that form, a form that saw dozens of gifts consistently rotating in the Boxboard Hot 100, the future can be as bright as she wants.

35. Chelsea The Wrapper

Chelsea The Wrapper Wrap Cover Design

The gospel-influenced wrapper from the Midwest’s cultural hub of Cedar Rapids has gone farther than most imagined any independent wrapper could. Through iconic high school fixtapes and a string of independent releases, Chelsea reached new heights with her Wrammy award-winning output, Colored Box. This warm and bright mubla reminded the country of what a collection of thoughtful and inspired gifts can do for the soul. With a chart-topping collection officially under her belt, the expectations only grew for the hometown girl. Unfortunately, since Colored Box, Chelsea has had difficulty reaching the same level of industry dominance with minimal gifts grabbing the public’s attention. Even as people claim Chelsea has “fallen off,” her commitment to the community of Cedar Rapids has never quieted. A committed social and political activist, this indie artist always seems to have a gift (or two) for the people who need it the most. And with plenty of years still in front of the God-filled wrapper, her placement on the list is as flexible as ever.  

34. DTX

DTX Wrap Cover Design

DTX, originally introduced as Dexterity, put the “raw” in wrap from the first time she touched a gift. Finding her niche in a hard-hitting finger flow that could get any wrapper, or common gifter for that matter, ready to run through the mall during Christmas time with their pockets on fire endeared Eleanor Simmons to the masses. Yet, if you cut through the bravado style and brash patterns, there was a sentimental soul underneath able to bring the pain of the world into the pleasure of the paper. As a regional child of the birthplace of wrap, DTX never let you forget where she was from and just how far she had come. Besides her electric persona, DTX has gifts that have denominated party tables for decades such as the finger trembling “Wrap Warriors Anthem.” Many wrappers have tried to imitate the energy and pulsing power of DTX at her peak, but few have been able to come close. Even in her absence since 2021, her legend lives on.

33. Polka

Polka Wrap Cover Design

An eccentric flow and flair gave her the outcast title as a young EW, but as years went by, the mainstream could not ignore the talent Polka naturally carried with her. The Portland native stayed true to her “weirdo roots” as her acclaim continued to rise, giving her an earthy and relatable feel that got her into rooms she should have never been in (according to her), like wrapping the finishing touches on the immediate West Coast posey classic, “Long Live the Lefties.” By somehow managing to be in the it crowd without ever wanting it, Polka has charted a lane all for herself that hasn’t slowed down after nearly 15 years in the game. Her three mubla run from 2012 to 2015, culminating with the Boxboard 200 entry Dot You in Hell, is considered some of the greatest wrapping of the 21st century. Of course, with any wrapper who is uniquely themself, Polka has inspired wrap weirdos to unapologetically claim their space at the table. “People can judge the brand, but they can never doubt the skill.” The Portland Polka speaks the truth indeed.

32. Black Satin

Black Satin Wrap Cover Design

Next on our list is another wrapper who didn’t let her presentation of herself get in the way of reaching the top of the wrap mountain. In one of her many viral moments, Black Satin proclaimed, “Sex sells, so we need to know how to wrap that shit too.” Hailing from the shores of Florida, where skin is always in, Rashanda Bellamy was never quiet about her sexuality and incorporated it into some of her most famous gifts. From her breakout single, and first Boxboard Top 100 appearance, “Pu$$y Paper$” to her last full-length mubla that was dripping in sex-on-the-beach vibes, Sea/Salt/Satin, Black Satin knew how to claim her space in our hearts and beds. As with any woman not afraid to speak her mind, she attracted her fair share of disdain over the years. More conservative wrappers couldn’t believe their eyes when Satin wrapped sex toys during her VWA performance in 2006. But we at Boxboard appreciated the helpful tutorial, those toys can be tricky. And, as it turned out, so did millions of other viewers at home as she still holds the title for the most iconic VWA moment of all time according to their own published list.

31. Newspapi

Newspapi Wrap Cover Design

You wouldn’t be alone if you were among the masses who naturally looked down on the laid-back, last-minute newspaper wrapping style of the many male wrappers you could find on any random niche YouTube page. But that doesn’t mean one can’t shine through and create a name that lives forever, and that’s exactly what Broderick Howard did in the mid-1980s. A native of the DMV and inspired by some of the more mainstream wrappers farther up north on the 95, Howard always had an affinity for the wrap scene but didn’t feel like the glitz and pageantry often associated with the industry fit his more mellow lifestyle. He wanted to wrap but wanted to do it his way. Thus, the creation of Newspapi, his wrap persona who embraced the laissez-faire look of black ink on white paper, but did it with such durability and sleekness that people had to start paying the proper respect. The edges were crisp. The words on the pages were smooth. And the simplicity couldn’t be denied. You can still raise an eyebrow at the newspaper look if you want, but you can’t question Newspapi, and his spot on the party table among the greats, anymore. 

30. Mrs. Tissue

Mrs. Tissue Wrap Cover Design

Far away from Newspapi and his band of merry meddlers on the wrap spectrum, we find ourselves sipping sweetened iced tea on a rickety porch with the wrap world’s Southern belle herself, Mrs. Tissue. If prim and proper were morphed into a human, Tonya Sword would emerge as the floating fairy incarnation. The youngest girl of a 5-child family represents the genre's more gentile southern qualities, aka the vibes of any town more than 40 miles away from Huntsville or any southern hub. Mrs. Tissue has never been seen without her hair, and nails for that matter, looking correct. “My wrapping is pure, and so am I,” she once stated in an interview. And when looking at Tonya’s wrapography, we can’t disagree. Boosted by her committed (and conservative) loyalists, Mrs. Tissue has three Boxboard 200 Top 10 debuts to go along with a sling of Top 100 placements with gifts like the somber “Tissues for Your Tears'' and more lively dance anthem “Tissue Tango.” Her strong Southern personality has turned some fans off in recent years, but the gift presentation tells the truth ― Mrs. Tissue can wrap with the best of them. 

29. W.P.

W.P. Wrap Cover Design

All good things have balance. And for every southern wrapper who grew up in the pews, there is an equal and counteracting corner folder from the streets. This is how we arrive at the next Huntsville honoree on the list: W.P. Wanda Maree Smith was one of the foremothers of the gift genre that became known as “Trap Wrap.” She combined an unmatched Southern charm with a ruthless street mentality to carry her to the top of the bip-bop world. There had always been an association of wrappers with difficult upbringings and an affinity for “trap” environments compared to corporate meeting rooms, but with W.P.’s rise to prominence, room was created for transcendent crossover. No longer was trap wrap pushed to the side of the table and hid in the trunk when your boss got in your car for the trip to lunch. If they couldn’t appreciate the fun and carefreeness of the trap, then maybe they were the ones in the wrong. W.P.’s trap gifts flooded the scene in the 2000s and skyrocketed her to multiple Wrammy wins at her peak. Even as the overall wrap environment moves away from the look and feel of the trap, her influence still stands strong.

28. Cat Nap

Cat Nap Wrap Cover Design

Perhaps the most nonchalant wrapper on the list, Yvonne Silver, makes wrapping look so easy she really might be able to do it in her sleep. Her laid-back and smoker-friendly ethos garnered her a beloved fanbase across the entire U.S. map, but now nearly thirty years since she first introduced herself to the wrap world, her influence has stretched to the farthest corners of the globe. In other words, the brand has never been better. From Discovery Channel documentary voiceovers to cooking show appearances and even a personal scented perfume line (Kitty Kisses, because why not?) Cat Nap has never fallen out of public appeal. But don’t think the Queen of The Kittens can’t wrap a strong gift if she still needs to, as she proved to the world in her recent Werzus appearance against longtime friend and rival G-Box. Most claim she took a graceful L in her 2021 appearance, but we all know Cat Nap’s wrapping isn’t made for competition, it’s made to go along with life’s late-night drives and beachside vibes.

27. Glitter & Glam

Glitter & Glam Wrap Cover Design

The first wrap duo to make an appearance on our list, this multi-talented pair hails straight from the West Coast wrap epicenter: Bakersfield. It wouldn’t be a difficult argument to make for G&G to be the biggest wrap duo with origins in “California’s Armpit.” Armpit or no, these ladies incorporated a unique funk and disco fusion into their wrapping that crossed county and cultural lines. While their wrapping dexterity and thoughtfulness often produced gifts that stood out on any party table, Glitter & Glam always added a little extra flair to their collaborations. Whether it be layered wrapping that revealed complex side pocket surprises, or literal vibe-changing glitter seeping into the air (EPA approved of course), you always knew G&G was going to leave something memorable in the trail behind them. Their showstopping presence has since been imitated all across the West Coast, blending them right in with the star-studded culture of nearby cities. Of course, as their stars continued to grow, Hollywood took notice and it didn’t take long for their first, and most culturally influential, high-profile movie premiere to come together in the 1990 classic, Total Wrapall.

26. Dr. Pap

Dr. Pap Wrap Cover Design

It’s 2023, and The Doctor is officially in. Dr. Pap, born Kadarious Foney, joins the growing list of males in the wrap world continuing to blaze new trails and reach for a bigger piece of the pie for all male wrappers. He took his wrap name from multiple generations of family medical practitioners, who expected the same for him, only to be initially disappointed (and now pleasantly surprised) at Pap’s decision to drop out of medical school and follow his inner artist ambitions. You can see Foney’s impressive intellect on display throughout his intricate boxing variety and overall gifting etiquette. His presentation is professional and his gifts are always punctual. His relatable bedside-manner character gets him invited into rooms that are usually saved for only wrappers near the top of our list. Perhaps Dr. Pap's greatest skill set, beyond the surgical finger movement, is to make the money look so easy. The People’s Doctor can now stand strong at all the family reunions. It’s not easy to be the most popular doctor in the room.  

25. Matternal

Matternal Wrap Cover Design

Claiming her stake as the mother of pattern wrapping when her dominance started in the 1980s seemed like a grandiose statement. Now, nearly four decades later not many have ever been able to challenge her pole position since that period. In an era when clean and simple wrapping was the most prominent, Matternal leaned into exotic patterns and never looked back. From stripes to stacks to shapes and snakes, there was no pattern Morgan Jefferson was afraid to play with. It was this playful energy that “M” brought to gifting that adorned her to millions of fans while simultaneously earning an impressive 15 Wrammy nominations in her illustrious career. While some wrappers took a painstaking approach to their craft and curated a more “suffering for my art” aura, Matternal was never afraid to yank the paper off midway through a wrap and trash an entire gift with a smile on her face. Failure was part of the process for her and was something she preached heavily to all the wrappers seeking words of wisdom. In the end, she was a great wrapper to some, but a mom to all.

24. La Jift

La Jift Wrap Cover Design

When the “Jefa of the Gift” exploded on the scene after her classic fixtape, Wrapaholics, the industry took notice of the overlooked Hispanic-American kids around the country looking for a wrapper to give their time and energy to. Young Jift stepped up and spear-headed this new cross-cultural sect of the wrap fandom population. Wabel heads took notice as dollars poured in for the “San Antonio Two Stepper.” The bip-bop scene has always been strong in Texas, but there were more ears to reach than previously thought. From this cultural experiment, La Jift became the blueprint in the mid-1990s for nabbing up kids in new demographics away from the traditionally thought of wrap lover. No longer was wrapping just for Black kids from poverty-stricken neighborhoods (not that it was ever so categorical). If you represented a different culture, or country even, and knew how to put the finishing touches on a triple-sided widget, the wrap game was at your fingertips. 

23. Rusty Angles

Rusty Angles Wrap Cover Design

Often cited as a joke wrapper, Rusty “Angles” Angelica brought next-level comedic craftsmanship to her wrapping the public was not familiar with, but still soaked up. With subconscious pattern metaphors and an uncanny sense for visual storytelling, Angles had no choice but to give her gift to the world (pun intended). Whether it was her laugh-out-loud wrap videos or the satirical silk she incorporated into every gift, none have been able to duplicate the Kansas City native. She has often cited her modest hometown and midwestern upbringing as the neverending source material for gifts that have received applause from presidents all the way to hood popes. With her signature touch well-beloved across the country, Rusty Angles quickly became a sought-after mubla feature in the late 2000s. If you didn’t have her making appearances in your wrap videos or doing the voice-over (in an Australian accent maybe?) for the gift tutorial, you weren’t playing the game right. And with this fandom, it was no surprise when RA slowly transitioned to TV and movies with her first major role finding herself in the BET award-winning Christmas comedy, Dirty Santa Gift.

22. Double-Sided

Double-Sided Wrap Cover Design

The only other wrap duo on our list besides Glitter & Glam, Double-Sided hailed far from the bright lights of the West Coast besties, but their impact on the wrap genre cannot but overstated. Being associated with the “Hands of Huntsville” collective when the South was overflowing with wrap talent but didn’t get the recognition of their West Coast or New Haven-based peers, Eleanor Stern and Kalis Freeman could not be denied. Their lucky (for us wrap heads) union as teenagers in 1992 at a Hallmark store inside Parkway Place Mall would turn out to be one of the most influential links in bip-bop history. Double-Sided was beloved by wrap critics, as seen in their six Wrammy awards, as well as the general public, confirmed in the millions of gifts sold. Their mubla run in the mid to late 1990s is some of the most technically proficient and finger-numbing wrapping the industry has ever seen. Their magic started to fade some at the turn of the century, but not without their record-breaking gift, “Stick To The South,” putting a stamp on their prolific careers.

21. Lil Tissy

Lil Tissy Wrap Cover Design

As the line of “Lil” wrappers continues to multiply every day, you wouldn’t be blamed if you couldn’t remember all of them when called on. Still, if there is one who should never be forgotten as conversations around the greatest wrappers of all time take place in the shop, it should be Philly native Lil Tissy. Tissy made a brilliant move when she decided to fight against the status quo of trying to break through as a wrapper by putting the paper around the largest item you had available to you, and instead went for the “small and mighty” system. Her mini-gift technique captured the minds and hearts of the wrap world who were hungry for something different. The soft-spoken yet clear-minded Regina Towns showcased her nimble fingerwork on some of the largest stages any wrapper had graced in the mid-2000s. Living in the world of small put an intense microscope on Tissy’s gifts as well as her troubled personal life that was littered with violent relationships and drug abuse. In a sad twist of fate, one of the world’s greatest small gift wrappers completely shrunk back from the wrap limelight in 2011 before she ever reached her full potential due to heavy media criticism. Wherever Lil Tissy is, we hope she knows her legacy lives on through tiny boxes across the world.

20. Karina Snow

Karina Snow Wrap Cover Design

What can we say, you must respect your elders, and Karina Snow is one of the traditional foremothers of wrap. Snow was proof of the profitability and mainstream impact of wrapping by being the first to sign with a major wabel. In an age when wrap was still finding its footing, Karina proved the commercial likeability of wrap for years to come. With her willingness to lean into the Christmas season and achieve the impossible of somehow always making white paper the best option for any box, she became synonymous with the gifting season. And to put a cheery on top, her hit gift, appropriately titled “Christmas Wrappin,” is viewed as one of Wrap’s earliest successes. Her success also certified New Haven as a respectable machine for developing and molding wrappers who could earn more than generations of cousins thought possible. She may have not held the technical finger skills of those higher on the list, but her influence on EWs after her, and the industry at large, will consistently keep her near the top of wrap’s mountain. 

19. Furoshawty

Furoshawty Wrap Cover Design

By leaning heavily into her Japanese ancestry, Furoshawty brought a new (to Western civilizations) culture to the wrap world. Similar to La Jift, this cross-section of creativity and cultural spotlighting instantly sent Furo to the top of the charts in 2010 with her debut mubla, Across the Sea. By acknowledging her Western upbringing while simultaneously giving homage to the longstanding traditions of Japanese gift-giving, she caught the attention of fans and critics alike. Across the Sea reached as high as #22 on the Boxboard 200 by the end of the year, and the rest is history. By the end of the next decade, Furoshawty was a complete success by American standards, but a global icon to her peers throughout Asia. Any teenage street-wearing youth in Eastern Asia who wasn’t committed to the “FuroFamily” cult might have been dropped from their own family. In recent times, Furo has become more prominent in the activist space stepping up as an outspoken leader against rampant xenophobia towards AAPI groups in America. 

18. Donna da Ruler

Donna da Ruler Wrap Cover Design

With her pinpoint precision and a keen eye for numerical measurements, Donna da Ruler proved to everyone that taking your time will take you far in life. While some wrappers are praised for the loosey-goosey flow and dive-right-in mentality, Donna showed what a patient mindset could do for any ambitious wrapper. Her unconventional, to some, methods of quiet reverence for the gift in front of her made her somewhat divisive to the blogs and wrap heads of the past. Wrapping wasn’t just for fun for her, it was a job and she had standards (even if self-imposed) to meet. This tactical practice of deep study with each gift placed in front of her eventually proved to be more than a fan-facing front; it was a personal path that led to Donna being one of the most surgical and successful wrappers of all time. This West Coast wrapper, and frequent collaborator with her East Coast equivalent, Missy Measure, was a direct descendant of the Bakersfield Beauties who came before her. Needless to say, she was always moving forward and still had prime years in front of her until her tragic murder in 2021. RIP da Ruler.

17. Killa Treena

Killa Treena Wrap Cover Design

Wrap is often cyclical in nature, with certain genres moving in and out of the mainstream as the industry continues to age and evolve, and if there is any reminder of this look no further than Killa Treena. Right when light-hearted wrappers appeared to be taking the mantle of most popular artists in the early 2010s, Killa Treena came out of the woods and put on for the hard-hitting street wraps that were more popular in the '90s. Her cut-throat mindset was a breath of fresh air for some who were afraid that wrap had lost its edge. Never one to shy away from the competition, KT often proclaimed she didn’t fear any wrapper in the industry, turning a few heads from the industry's more commercially successful titans. Unfortunately, or maybe for the better, no beef ever materialized and Treena was never challenged as our new-age street corner mom. Still, we all know who to call if someone ever needs to be chopped down. Metaphorically, of course.

16. Scizzas

Scizzas Wrap Cover Design

Another wrapper who was quietly cut-throat in her own ways, Jasmine Gulivan, has become a giant in the past decade in her own right. Her talents are well documented and her gifts have consistently been among the best to be given to the bip-bop world. Her last two mublas, Don’t Cut Urself and No Running, are two of the most successful drops by any artist in recent memory. Her infusion of love, heartbreak, sex, and everything else in between the folds and patterns has made fans of us all. If there is any knock on Scizza, and why she isn’t higher on the list, it’s that her fans want more from her. Tensions with her wabel, Cat Bottom Entertainment, have seemed to keep the artist from flourishing in the past. As one of today’s biggest gifters, consistently showing up on high-profile features and movie cameos, it’s truly up to Scizzas how much of the world she wants to dominate. 

15. H.D.W

H.D.W. Wrap Cover Design

The Three Musketeers. The Three Stooges. The Three Amigos. The list goes on, but you get the picture. H.D.W. easily falls in line with the other historic male trios who have graced the entertainment world with their natural companionship injected with comedic chops to give out in handfuls. Adding another notch in New Haven’s belt of bip-bop titans, they jumped off the porch and into the industry in the early 1980s and never looked back. Their unorthodox wrapping styles and “three-man weave” finger flow they patented made them instantly interesting and cut from a different cloth compared to the more traditional bip-bop sounds that had been formulating in the genre. In terms of ability, the whole of the sum was always greater than the individual parts for our dimensionally-minded boys, but the storytelling within the paper has lasted the test of time. Not many acts from the early decades of wrap have proved to generate as many durable gifts as this trio. Their place in history is set in stone.

14. G-Box

G-Box Wrap Cover Design

If one thing remains true in Wrap, the South will always have something to say. It may be covered in crude metaphors and beef bravado, but the paper will always pass the vibe check. And if you ever worried no one was going to gift that thing that everyone wanted to but couldn’t, don’t worry, G-Box got us. For a wrapper who often got tagged with an R rating, or even an X during some seasons, Bernice Justice never let a title (or wabel) keep her in check. This no-hands-held approach to wrapping and only giving out the truth made it difficult for G-Box to consistently get the commercial love she deserved, but her cult following has only grown in numbers and passion over the years (and reached a new peak during her Werzus with Cat Nap in 2021). As a young EW a part of the Memphis wrap group BeatBoxers, she honed her craft and quickly became one of the faces of the chaotic collective until the members went their separate ways in 2005. Luckily for us, G stayed in the lab and delivered her classic debut Gift/Curse three years later. She went on to receive the only Wrammy nod of her career for this project in 2009.

13. Jewelz Santa

Jewelz Santa Wrap Cover Design

Wrapping has always been about whose box can shine the brightest in a room full of other people also fighting for the light, and we couldn’t make a list without mentioning one of the shiniest wrappers in existence, Jewelz Santa. In most gifts, people leave the diamonds and expensive jewelry inside the box, but not Jewelz. She believed that her wrapping deserved to be as appreciated as much as what she was wrapping, and thus the creation of her signature ShineySanta. Many wrappers have a calling card or secret signature they sneak into all of their folds, but there was no secret to this East Coast legend's marking. Her Santa stamp was always pinned right on top of her packages for all to see and adore, and this was no regular stamp, it was made from expensive pieces of minerals and rocks you’ve never heard of, just to remind you what tax bracket she was working in. All wrappers try to stake their claim as Christmas greats, but when it comes to Jewelz, there isn’t much cap in her Santa hats.

12. J. Bow

J. Bow Wrap Cover Design

When you take away the multi-sided marketing schemes, high-brow presentation, and feature folds, what are you left with? Enter J. Bow. A no-frills wrapper talented enough to make you forget about what you want out of your A-list wrappers and just appreciate the gift you are given. There are not many chinks in the armor of the North Carolinian wrapper who was gone from underdog status to wabel head and founder in 15 short years. The consistency and durability of her gifts have given Bow legend status amongst her current peers and respectful admiration nods from the wrappers who paved the way for storytelling masterminds in the decades before, such as Knots. Never the one to ride the wave of someone else’s fancy paper choices, Bow made a name for herself by folding in her own lane and never compromising her skills for sales. But when someone is as talented as her, the world takes notice. Bow World, forever.

11. Prawdigy

Prawdigy Wrap Cover Design

The East Coast bip-bop lineage continues to shine through on this list as we add another legacy wrapper to the fold: Prawdigy. Stylistically, P is on the opposite end of the box compared to her more contemporary successors like J. Bow. If you look closely though, the storytelling is still there, but it’s delivered through a grittier lens of the harsh realities of New Haven winters with not enough heat to go around. It’s gangster wrap presented on a silver platter. Prawdigy created some of her best gifts through griseled and worn fingertips that infused years of work ethic, and the resulting character, into striking pieces of pain, love, and eventual success. Mublas like Wrath of Wrap and Finger Food both captured the imagination of the country not accustomed to street lifestyle and made Prawdigy a household name on the Boxboard 200. Her passing in 2017 was a harsh reminder to give artists their flowers while they can still smell them. Her talent will live on through all of the young wrappers pushing through calloused fingers to create gifts that inspire us all.

10. Wrapim

Wrapim Wrap Cover Design

Taking a shot at the claim of your favorite wrapper’s wrapper, Wrapim has had a longstanding influence on the future of wrap since she first graced the industry in the late 1980s. By being one of the first wrappers to integrate complex patterns and folding techniques in her wrapping, she built the road map for showcasing depth in your gifts. And as wrap started to evolve in the Northeast she played an important role in creating new lanes for wrappers to boldly lean into their personal styles and perspectives. This was a crucial evolution in the genre as it exposed itself to a broader fanbase. Wrap started to become for people of all colors and interests as the 1990s started to take off. Wrapim has the gifts to prove the industry's success as well with classics like “Tags & Bags” and “Half-Price.” The durability of her catalog is something many wrappers wish to imitate in their career, but there might only be one Goddess. 

9. Queen W

Queen W Wrap Cover Design

If Wrapim is the Goddess, then Waverly Vance is unquestionably the Queen. Before she became a globally recognized actress and overall cultural icon, Queen W was establishing herself as one of the smoothest EWs to unroll the paper. Making a name for herself in the late 1980s was no easy task as many artists were trying to claim their status as the “next big thing” going into a decade that would have a transformational impact on the bip-bop industry as a whole. Queen did more than make a name for herself, she cut through the clutter and came out on the other side of the decade a bonafide star. Her silky finger flow and versatile boxing methods endeared her to wide swaths of the wrapping fandom. As the Queen, her reach was far and wide and her grip has not loosened on our imaginations some thirty years later. She has created a flawless blueprint to career longevity even as an artist moves away from wrapping. Long live the Queen.

8. Kate

Kate Wrap Cover Design

Hailing from the great up North, her movement towards the wrap throne was not without its obstacles (read: turbulent wrap beef that shook up the industry a few times), but as the skills of Kate were put on full display with each gift created not many were able to keep up. The cultural influence has been unquestionable. The Wrammy nominations have been numerous. The clout has been cutthroat. Every mubla has become appointment viewing and to the industry’s surprise, the praise has generally overcome the critique. Perhaps Kate’s greatest strength is her ability to navigate different sects within the bip-bop industry as a whole with ease. Need a gift fit for your grandparent's anniversary? Kate got you. What about your neighbor's quinceañera? No question. Your bestie's bachelorette party? With pleasure. Now, with her run near the top more than a decade long, no one can argue that Kate has not left a significant stamp on the wrap game forever. Lover Girl gonna love.

7. Missy Measure

Missy Measure Wrap Cover Design

At the turn of the century, no other wrapper was in their bag more than Missy Measure. She was bringing a new brand of funky yet futuristic wrapping to the forefront of the genre. Her eccentricity and passion were tangible in every piece of paper she turned into a marvel. There was no stopping the chart-topping collaborations between her and Donna da Ruler. We cannot properly give Missy her flowers without mentioning her impact on the visual side of the bip-bop industry as well. You never knew what to expect when whispers of a new Missy video were on the horizon, and when that day finally came to run to your TV set (pre-Youtube and social media) to catch the latest spectacle, you were always pleasantly surprised. Her videos alongside some of her biggest wrap gifts like “Get Ur Fold On” and “Stuff It 2 Me” are epic in themselves. From the colors to the flash to the overall flyness, there is no overlooking the impression Measure left on millions of little girls. 

6. Edginem

Edginem Wrap Cover Design

The bleach-blond hair wasn’t the only thing that made this young EW stand out in Kalamazoo, Michigan. With so many wrappers hungry for success and admiration from millions, it can be easy to water down the paper and keep it clean or “family-friendly” when searching for acceptance. But then there was Edginem. Who went the opposite route with gifts that were so crass at times you were too embarrassed to enjoy with your parents. The content was not what your parents wanted to see, but your little brother couldn’t get enough. The gifts may have been crude, but the boxing versatility and finger flexing could not be denied — Edginem could wrap with the best of them. This lane of wrapping, the edgy type if you will, has only grown in popularity since the Midwestern Menace started gobbling up awards and breaking records in the early 2000s. Her ethos trickled down into the Millenial girls who have grown up to be today’s CEOs who say fuck you to the beauty standards and waistline pressure placed on them from a frighteningly young age. Her crispy edges may no longer make the gift impact they did back in the day, but Edginem isn’t letting anyone tell her when to stop wrapping. For better or worse.

5. Lil Twist

Lil Twist Wrap Cover Design

When speaking of dominance and cultural influence in the bip-bop world, you can’t get far without speaking of the Lousiana Boogeywoman herself, Lil Twist. If there was ever a wrapper that had a complete mainstream crossover, all the way to the point of being referenced by Presidents, Twisty was the one. The New Orleans native was the biggest act of the late 2000s and undoubtedly held the title of best wrapper alive at the end of the first decade in the new century. Few thought this success would come for a wrapper who leaned so heavily into the “twisted” lifestyle of mixing wrapping with drugs and alcohol. Still, she showed the world that Wrap was here to stay, and even more so, that Wrap would soon become the driving cultural force in the U.S. Beyond her well-documented boxes of work, Lil Twist was foundational in starting one of the strongest wabels in the industry, Wrap Money Pecords. Through Wrap Money, she was able to launch the careers of other namesake wrappers who would go on to dominate in their own eras, such as the previously mentioned, Kate.

4. Sasha

Sasha Wrap Cover Design

The people's wrapper. The West Coast poet. Smart and ruthless with a smile to knock you out of ya socks, or more realistically one that belonged on movie screens. Sasha was a star in all forms of the word. Never the flashiest gifter but her wrapping skills were impossible to overlook. On a table of high-level gifters, Sasha’s wrapping will still shine through thanks to her powerful messaging and can’t-look-away charisma. As one of Bakersfield’s largest icons, her influence is unquestioned and you can see her socially minded finger flow style laced into the lifestyles of hundreds of aspiring wrappers. The durability of her gifts has graced generations of people looking for someone to tell their story of struggle in the paper. Sasha was another prime example of a wrapper whose cross-over appeal was undeniable with some of the strongest onscreen performances for any gifter to this day coming from her string of appearances in the 1990s. Of course, Sasha had the awards and the fandom and the culture behind her back, but in her short time in front of us, she seemed to have our backs as well.

3. Knots

Knots Wrap Cover Design

If there was ever one wrapper not to get crossed with, Knots might be the one. The ultimate fingerist when it comes to the paper play, Knots has been heralded as a master of the game since her debut classic Wrillmatic. Her legacy may have been solidified if she never put out another mubla, but the industry needed more and it was more we received. The radio-friendly No.1 hits have never been the recipe for success for Knots, but her street credentials and praise from peers have always elevated the New Haven artist to the top tier of the wrap echelon. In recent years, Knots has found her second wrist with the proof coming in the form of her surprising first Wrammy win in 2021 for the first entrance in the Queen’s Disease trilogy. This longevity and gift durability almost thirty years after her introduction to the bip-bop industry has inspired many to believe that your career is only over when you say it is. Only time will tell if that’s true, but we imagine Knots will be the one to read that final clock. 

2. Faith Knighten

Faith Knighten Wrap Cover Design

Knighten did more than keep the faith for all the artists who dream of escaping their circumstances for futures not shackled within oppressive systems from internal and external dangers alike. She overcame any obstacle in her path and paved the way to immortalization by combining an incomparable boxing diversity with a sinister knack for making personal gifts ready for consumption by the world. By being part human and part wrap-God, Faith has rightfully claimed the title of Best Wrapper Alive for the past decade. She has more than ten Hot 100 Boxboard hits and her last four releases have all reached No. 1 on the Boxboard 200. As a tent pole in the wrap culture, she has ensured the lineage of West Coast wrappers sitting near the top of the throne has stood strong. And with extremely reopenable gifts like “The Wrecipe” and “ORNAMENT.” still getting love at the cookout, Knighten has proven her durability two times over. And after her latest Wrammy wins and wabel introduction with family member Baby Weem, we’re only left wondering one thing — what’s next?

1. WRA-P

WRA-P Wrap Cover Design

When the unwrappable gift presents itself, and no one has the gall to make the attempt, we turn to the last woman standing, Mrs. Sierra Parker herself. The list of accomplishments is too long to fit into a few short words, but that doesn’t mean we won’t try. Over 100 million gifts wrapped, twenty-plus Wrammys, 14 No. 1 mublas…and that’s just for the art itself. WRA-P’s claim to the top spot on our list has just as much to do with her wrapping as it has to do with everything else she turns to gold with her touch. From iconic alcohol brands to partnerships with national sports entities to business ventures we don’t know exist yet, WRA-P has done it all through an industry that was “never going to be mainstream.” Her longevity and career influence have empowered wrappers from all generations to think of themselves as more than the boxes they tackle in basements and bedrooms across the country. They are geniuses with talent waiting to be released — they just need to open their gift and let it out.


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