Smarch Sadness

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Busted brackets result in infinite sadness…

It’s never that serious. But it would be nice to, ya know, be good at something that doesn’t matter much. Those are the best types of things to be good at. Sure, you can be good at things that matter, like your job, taxes, or relationships, but that’s what society expects of you. It’s much sweeter to excel at things like crocheting or sharpening pencils. If you were that kid in elementary school who could get the finest points, you were that kid. Now that I’m thinking about it, mechanical pencils really automated that skill set out of existence. The bots are indeed coming for us all. I wonder how the bots did on their brackets. Do you think they picked Arizona to the Final Four? Or how about Purdue making it all the way to Houston as well? What idiot would make both of those terrible picks anyway?


So yeah, this is my worst bracket since…last year (probably). I’ve been on a streak of bad brackets, poor group text behavior, and overall humiliating defeats. The silver lining of years like this? I could never be convinced to put serious money into March. I admire those who dump money into sports betting on events set up to create disturbing sports phenomena like…Ivy League success?? Academics + athletics they say. Those folks are already ahead in life with the name of their school on the piece of paper they get after graduating, it’s not fair that they get to make a magical run to be remembered by as well. Am I trying to jink Princeton as the smother Missouri in the first half as I type this out? Never. I would never do something like that.


Speaking of sadness, I’ve been playing around with the idea of starting a Sad Boy Saunter walking group just because my life is going that well right now. It would be like the Hot Girl Walks you see popping up online, but for sad boys. That’s all I have right now, but everything starts with a great name. And that’s a great name.

Art things I’m into right now:




ME vs ME